META: Meta Pro Team Hub (2023)
Project Overview ↓
The Pro Team Hub is a guide to help the Meta Pros throughout their full sales experience. This will include pursuing content for self-education purposes, reviewing information post-training to reference onboarding materials, or downloading resources they can give to their advertisers, etc. The video will serve as an onboarding tool for Pros, guiding them through the new Pro Team Hub key features and how to use them efficiently.
Responsibilities ↓
Art Direction
Credit ↓
Instrument, Linlin Yang, Michelle Lin, Sofia Baig
Pro Team Hub
The Pro Team Hub consists of 5 core pages - Home, Solution Journeys, Seasonal Moments, Announcements and Learning Center. In total, there are ten pages inclduing both core pages and subpages.
Onboarding Video
This video serves an an evergreen onboarding video for Pros to walk them through the Pro Team Hub, its key features and use.